Showing 26 Result(s)

Law #10: Focus on What Will Be Used

This is one thing school gets wrong. School focuses a lot on what will never be used. You will be taught many names and dates that you won’t need to know to do your job. For example, any time the book discusses who came up with or discovered a thing. Take the discovery of DNA …

Law #9: Teach What You Learn

I can’t tell you many people know they should do this but never actually do it. My guess is about one out of every 1,000 follow this law. This is the best-known learning booster but probably the least used. Having said that I don’t think most people understand why this helps you learn. One of …

Law #7: Have a Mentor

Everything before this has been about getting rid of problems that hold people back from learning. This is the first one about speeding it up. That might seem weird to people but it’s important. About 80% of the pro…

Law #6: Do Something Fun at Least Once A Day

This one might sound very weird but hear me out. When most people are trying to be very productive, they stop trying to have fun. Just cut it out entirely. I have heard one person who was very successful who taught, do you want to search Facebook for 5 minutes or be a millionaire in …