If you are in college you can ignore this. College is an immersion class. I have some problems with how college is run as an immersion class but I will save those for another post. Having said that if you are in college skip this post until you are out. For everyone else let’s continue.
(I wrote this post and then realized I never gave the definition of immersion class. I liked what I did so here is the definition. An immersion class is a class, boot camp, seminar or some other organized even where people can come together to learn about how to succeed at a given thing. It does not teach theory it teaches actionable steps.)
I talk to a lot of people who tell me about how hard it is to learn. A whole lot. Occasionally I get a new questions but the most common one revolves around people holding them back. My parents don’t believe in me. My friends said I would fail before I even got started. I was rejected because I was too young to old, didn’t make good enough grades in this subject. The list goes on and on.
There are two solutions to this problem. The first is to cut these people out of your life. In some cases you can’t do this, in which case, you limit these people. I recommend this with family mostly. The other solution is to get new people that will support you. You should do both. They complement each other nicely.
This strategy is mostly about the second. But it becomes turbo charged here. In an immersion class everyone is going for the same goal. This means everyone wants everyone else there to succeed. Doesn’t matter if you are the worst there. In fact, everyone wants the worst person there to succeed. Why? Because if the people who are worse them them make it, they will defiantly make it.
Does this mean you will instantly make a bunch of really supportive friends? Oh no. You will often have to do some real searching and try out many different groups. Some immersion classes just won’t be for you. Keep trying until you find one that is.
And do you know what happens when a bunch of people get together at one of these events? They ask questions you never would have thought about. This compounds your ability to get information. You will have people at different levels then you in skill. All of them having different needs an obstacle to overcome. You will get a quick view of problems that will come up for you and things you might have missed from lower skill levels.
This is just like a road map for the potholes that are coming. Pay attention to them.
This last one can be hard for people to understand but bear with me. I have said it before and I will say it again. Learning is a muscle. The more you use it the better you will be at it. Short but very intense short periods of learning are great for building this muscle. You don’t want to do it too much but short periods are great.
This is why I say to do it at least once a year. People’s lives are busy. They have other things going on. There are only so many classes like this you will be interested in. All good excuses. But you can still do this one time a year. Most of them are a few hours to a couple days. In the grand course of a year one won’t hurt your life much but can provide a lot of value.