This one might sound very weird but hear me out. When most people are trying to be very productive, they stop trying to have fun. Just cut it out entirely. I have heard one person who was very successful who taught, do you want to search Facebook for 5 minutes or be a millionaire in 5 years? This is straight up wrong.
If we were machines this would make sense. A small amount of down time for maintenance and then back to work. The problem is we are human. We need some fun and enjoyable time to help give us a reason to keep going. You at least, need something small to live for. More important then that thought you need the will power to keep working.
Will power is a funny thing. It is a muscle but the more you use it, the less you have until you rest. There have been numerous studies on this including one on judges that showed that one of the biggest factors determining if you get convicted or not is time of day for your trail. If the judge sees you at the beginning of the day you are much more likely to be let off. If he see’s you at the end of the day you are much more likely to be convicted.
The point is that as you use your will power it will go away. But if you take small little breaks every day to go do something fun your will power will recharge. This is why so many people go out to drink after work. This is why people vege out on the couch after a long day of school, instead of before. When the day starts you had more will power.
The part most people miss about this is that you don’t only recharge from sleep. In fact, 50-74% of people are extroverts, according to Extroverts don’t recharge by sleeping or veging out. They recharge by being around people and parting. They need to go out and listen to loud music, dance with strangers, meet new people and more. If they just went to bed right after work, they would feel bad.
Introverts, such as myself, do better talking to a few people they are close to, watching tv, reading a book, taking a nap or meditating. In other words, there is no one right way to recharge. Having said that there are a few commonality’s about recharging.
Doing something you enjoy will make you recharge more. This is turn means you will be able to work harder for longer the next day. Recharging is also not just something you should do at the end of the day. A small recharge session in the middle can be a great help. It can kind of hit the restart on you work day. But these activists should be kept short in the middle of the day.
It is an excuse to take a 20 minute nap, or talk to a friend. For the extroverts out their go have a dance party in the middle of the store. Go hit up the cutie you have been eyeing up for the last month. Do something fun to recharge. You can thank me later.